When booking a hotel room directly from the hotel, either via website, phone or email, you’ll get the best benefits!
Most flexible cancellation policy
Change or cancel your booking by 18:00 local time on the same day without any costs
Early check-in
You can check in at 14.00 on the day of arrival
Direct communication with the hotel
You’ll always know who you are dealing with
No hidden costs
Taxes are always included in the rates and we do not charge any booking or service fees
Best offers
As a newsletter subscriber you’ll receive exclusive offers
Special wishes
We take special requests into consideration primarily from those who booked their room directly from the hotel
Personalised customer service
You can reach us quickly by phone and get personalized service in English, Swedish and Finnish
Enjoy the sauna on request 8.00 € / person / hour for those who booked their room directly from the hotel (normally 10.00 € / person / hour)
Get a free high-speed internet connection
Support a good cause
While staying at Hotel Arthur, you’ll support the youth and hobby activities of our owner, YMCA