
Hotel Arthur is located in the heart of Helsinki and has no on-site parking. We recommend the P-Kluuvi parking hall located next to the hotel for parking.

EuroPark P-Kluuvi

Parking garage P-Kluuvi’s opening hours, map and price list

Parking instructions

You can drive to P-Kluuvi parking hall from the address Puutarhakatu 1. Drive in the maintenance tunnel towards P-Kluuvi, where it is worthwhile driving to the C or D level, as  the nearest exit to Kaisaniemenkatu by foot is at that level. Right in the end of the aisle is a lift, which take you to a shopping level. From the lift, turn to the right and walk to the end of the hallway towards the exit to Vilhonkatu. On the right side there are stairs and elevator to the street. You will come to the junction of Vilhonkatu and Vuorikatu. Walk left for about 50 metres, after which you will arrive at Hotel Arthur, on your right side. The address is Vuorikatu 19.

Maximum vehicle height in P-Kluuvi garage is 2.3 metres.

Street parking

Parking spots can also be found on the road sides of the streets. These are payable Mon-Fri 09.00 – 21.00 and Saturdays 09.00 – 18.00. The price is 4.00 €/hour. A problem may be the lack of free spaces and the fact that the spaces can only be paid for a period of one hour at a time. More information about parking in Helsinki you can find here.

Park & Ride

If you wish to park your car further away from the city center, you can find the information about the car park with public transportation connections here.


Co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union

Co-funded by the European Union under the Grant Agreement 101038111. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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